Half a minute later it went back to Hidden. So I stick my head out, wait for a couple seconds, spin around, did a dance. I was in the exact position in the shadow as previously. I reload the game, this time unequipping the Mk II, so I was in my underwear. I shot the turret once, it spotted me and open fire.
Status went to Caution, so I was like 'Whaa.?'. So I reload the game, scoot back further into the shadows behind the vending machine. I understand it happens all the time, especially under light. Technically I was kind of exposed, so the status went quickly to Caution and a few seconds later the turret spotted me and open fire and killed me.
So I stick my head out of the vending machine (I had the Mk II equipped) trying to snipe the turret. I was still Hidden when I got behind the vending machine. Far back in the tunnel there's a hostile Overclocked Turret, and there's vending machine with has the only light source from a light bulb on the wall. It's also where I found the Light Switch 02 tape.